Many years ago I came up with a title for my (then) blog, website and Flickr...This Is What I See. I've never been good at intellectualizing my artistic expression and have chosen instead to practice it in a very hands on, fundamental way. I'm often captivated by light or color, a technique that I can see progressing before my eyes, or an immediate feeling that calls to be made visual. This Is What I See felt the most honest and straighforward title for the body of work that followed.
I sometimes see in the real world...the light or the subject. But sometimes the seeing is internal, a feeling, and what shape that takes in my mind's eye. The themes in my work that have emerged over time relate to my connection to the natural world and how I move through it, the vivid internal dialogue surrounding my experience as a human woman, and my connections to the past and future, in this lifetime and beyond. As I age my ancestors have begun to also play into my work, in particular the women that came before me.